LJ Archivr
LiveJournal Archive Tool
The internet is forever? Well, not really. Social Networks come & go. However, an easy method for archiving fanworks is usually not as simple as using it. Livejournal is in danger due to recent geopolitical events around the world. How to save our nostalgic memories? A lot of the tools for archiving LJ seem to require programming experience or seem to be really outdated. This is where LJ Archivr comes to the rescue to archive your Livejournal Journals or Communities!
Archive your personal memories
- Archive Personal Journals or Community Journals
- Save local archive copies of HTML pages to your computer.
- Navigate the Journal offline just like you would online.
- Automatically saved to your computer with a spreadsheet inventory of all that was archived.
How does it work?
LJ Archivr is an Excel Spreadsheet with VBA Code that can archive all your posts and most of the comments that come along with them. After downloading a few dependencies (instructions in the file) all you need to do is enter the Personal or Community Livejournal Username and click a couple of buttons. The end result is a spreadsheet inventory of all the posts from the Livejournal & a folder with html reproductions of each Livejournal page you can view locally on your computer.
How to get it?
Enter $20 to get it and show your support and/or appreciation for this project. Years in the making and many hours of development for something that is currently probably the best archive tool for Livejournal.
Details Instructions & Video Tutorial are included in the file will clearly explain what's needed to set up the spreadsheet (a one time set up). After that set up is complete it is as simple as entering the username for the journal or community you want to back up & click a couple of buttons. On occasion you will need to update a chrome browser driver for the latest version of chrome. The script uses group to display all the pages of the journal it is backup.
A Discord community is available for questions or technical issues.
Special Note
If the thought of using this tool is still daunting contact us about doing the backup for you. It doesn't take us that long to process one off backups since we are very familiar with the process. We are advocates for archiving and are willing to assist in getting it done versus the alternative.
Use the form below to contact us. You will be able to ask a question, leave a comment or praise, offer feedback or make a request /suggestion.
Contact Us